Time 02/01/2025 |
Wave Height (ft.) |
Max Wave (ft.) |
Wind Speed (mph) |
Wind Gust (mph) |
Wind Direction |
Water Temp (°F) |
1:30 PM | 0.4 | Model | N/A | N/A | N/A | 39 |
1:00 PM | 0.5 | Model | 8.1 | 16.1 | SE | 39 |
12:30 PM | 0.5 | Model | 10.3 | -- | SE | 39 |
12:00 PM | 0.5 | Model | 13.9 | 21.9 | SE | 39 |
11:30 AM | 0.5 | Model | 15.0 | -- | E | 39 |
11:00 AM | 0.6 | Model | 16.1 | 25.3 | SE | 39 |
10:30 AM | 0.6 | Model | 17.2 | -- | SE | 39 |
Model - Indicates reported wave is a model result, not a measured wave.
Alternate SI:
SI |
Class |
Skill Level |
70-100 | I | Novice - basic paddling skills |
50-70 | II | Intermediate - reliable self rescues |
30-50 | III | Advanced - reliable Eskimo roll |
<30 | IV | Expert - Advanced skills and strong endurance |
SI ranks the water environment by considering radar, water temperature, wind, waves and other variables. The SI and recommended skills are based on a system developed by kayaking experts E. Soares and M. Powers.
Soares, E., and M. Powers, Extreme Sea Kayaking, Ragged Mountain Press, 1999.